Bright Nights, Cool Waters & Culinary Levity: Finland Food, Cocktail, Brew & Sauna - Feature

Finland wanders within textures of paradox invariably mirrored by its arts structure but also in terms of its culinary and cocktail integrations which show a continued and refined skill between classical and modern tendencies.

Within the capital structure of Helsinki, the influence of Russian occupation still hangs present, especially in the vision of the capital square where the now Lutheran church hangs in verisimilitude with the city government offices to one side and the University Of Helsinki balanced in parallel on the other.

However, the paradox lies in the nearby harbor merely a block away which borders on the trendy Esplanade, a corridor rife with luscious culinary possibilities. The beauty of this area surrounded by greenery and soaring fountains highlights the intentions of fine dining in the area which mixes a taste of the classical and modern perfectly mirroring the inherent identity of the town.

Teatteri, located near the Marrienheste, richly hides its inherent decadence. In a dining room honed by Swedish angles in architecture, the golden designs on the plush halls frequented by swirled fixtures and ambient lighting domes perfectly mirrors the acid cool music stylings of the in-house DJ spinning remixes of David Lynch tripping and languishing, beautiful yet secutive in its confidence.

As the cracked vision glasses provide the framing for a delicious but not strongly vigilent Strawberry Mojito bathed in mint, the starter structure, like the main course, drapes the diner in the undeniable force of an appetizer trinity rapturing initially with a silky boullibase, simmering in a waiting cup, coupled with a light but tenacious salmon and followed by a silky yet slightly bitter foe grae.

The main course enforced the gamut with its trifecta of meat which, as an initial structure, offered contemplation since with the ample amount of water and necessitated fish in the region in comparison to other nations of Scandinavia, the obvious tendency would be to move towards more sea-based fare.

By this thought, the Mixed Grill plate, emphasizing a luscious and tender balanced lamb, an expected but obligatory filet and finally a sensuous and vivacious short rib from local outlay Benjamin Farm, dictated a balance of meat although the necessity of ancillary products to highlight the main course could have been more effective (especially when compared to the fare at the nearby Juuri).

Taking this into account, the culinary ambiance within Teaterri was elevated hands down in its aftermath especially with the side dishes of a simple but adequate chanterelle risotto which, despite the wondrous beauty of local mushrooms, related only merely adequate while the fingerling potatoes with a luscious cheese sauce warmed the heart before the raspberry cloufoutis, gooey in its countenance, wrapped the closing feeling in sweetness.

Salutorget, within the vista of the other end of the Esplanade, envisions itself as a restructure within an old bank building, mirroring the flowing water grace of a seal fountain leading from the cobblestone ideals.The litheness of the practical white spinning lights within the smooth interior, majestic with pillars and sunken perceptions, emphasized a more standard jazz tinged approach to music trading Tetteri's acid cool for subtle love using torch singers as a motif.

The intention of the initial Mango Mash cocktail mixing the fruit base with Koskenkorva created a smooth but liberating taste that gave color to the slick insinuations of the venue whilst the creamy morel soup, a standard of excellence in the country, elevated its status due to the chunky slices of the mushroom despite a countenance which could have been a bit more thick in certain regards.

The guilty dream, permeated within the parmesan-gratiated escargot, thick and juicy, served upon baguettes writhed with taste, simply stopped one cold savoring its intensity, beautiful yet utterly earthy.

Proceeding into the main course, the caesar salad populated with shrimps worked against the normal ideal of anchovy taste instead mixing with a more shellfish countenance which comparatively gave the salad a less cheese encumbered aftertaste making it an exceptional balance for a dish tried and true.

Locally caught in the surrounding harbor, the main course of the glowfried whitefish, lightly seasoned within a champagne sauce soothing in its vision of skin-filled elegance, is a local favorite, ravishing with its visual dexterity yet still plain in practical taste which is not so much a criticism of food as it is a reflection of the idea of its presentation.This intention also provided an interesting benefit in the application of the Gruner Veltliner Chardonnay from Austria which, while simmering in its accompaniment of the whitefish, simply popped the incarnations of the shrimps within the Caesar.The decidedly paradoxical approach of the dessert, much like the surprise of the escargot, resonated in the possibility of a shock to the senses.

At the suggestion of a lithe young lady, the closer was a sweet symphony to melt any woman's heart in the vision of just ripened strawberries, perfectly in season, resonated within a martini glass and embraced in a tasty sorbet that simply jumped in joy, leaving the glass limber with beauty.

The fusion between fine dining and the idea of organic presentation appropriated itself in the hideaway at Juuri, a more bohemian and down home entry to Helsinki's gastronomical approach.

The inference of the Punajuuri cocktail at the inset wrangles like the Blood of Heaven. Enrapturing in the base element of the Koskenkorva which traverses the country, the infusion of beetroot juice oddly causes equilibrium between the worstechire and tabasco sauce giving the drink a smooth but not overwhelming taste choosing to not pulverize the stomach but indeed to soothe it.

The foreshadow of dinner resonated with the thinly sliced vision of slightly smoked reindeer heart which conveyed its intention more in a style of sashimi than anything else. Its texture rendered smooth but not chewy with balance of taste that was enhanced by only a moderate integration of gelee, made of rowanberry wine, giving a sweet aftertaste to an already oaky richness.

After the creamy countenance of mushroom soup (which differs in texture among the many different restaurants) the main course consisting of horse tenderloin confirmed the restaurant's bravado simply because of the visceral taste encapsulated within the dark sage sauce gave an rife boost to the proceedings aided by spent pearls surrounding the filet. The idea that such a dish could have that powerful a taste emblazoned within the texture of region-specific recipes shows the concentration of preparation contained to highlight any animal.

The dessert solution would be all but anticlimactic following this structure but the experimental foray of baked ice cream highlighted a continuation of ideas pursuing a balance of tradition with a new thinking. Using the consistency of goat milk and a blueberry merinque to create a light balance, the taste resonated both savors the tartness but follows up with a cold slap of tenderness.Continuing into the mixology sector, one of the apparent ideas rife in Finland that seems to come through beyond the standard beer houses is the progression of a cocktail culture in a big way bounded by the ideas of one outlay.A21, hidden away behind a doorbell that beckons its entrance next to a frequented bar, highlights itself in its ability to have thinking mixologists working spontaneously on their feet while adhering to an incessant education of possibilities. While one of the bartenders is mainland Finnish, two of the other mixologists were Mexican nationals who emigrated to Finland because of the excellence in education and health included within a working environment.Simply put, the drinks are stellar.Bringing to mind a similar foray in Copenhagen in a hidden away boudoir called Ruby across from the Royal Palace,A21 understands the sleek cluster of its clientele allowing for certain needs of taste but also seeking to enhance or rather encourage a change of thought based on your palette.

Beginning in tandem. the Rhuba Martini unfurls it rhubarb base but uses an infinitely mixed simple syrup to range the taste with a subtle aftertaste that cools the countenance by elevating a marriage of honey with a wisp of Grey Goose.

The Suomen Nito, by reflection, could be classified as a mojito yet its Bombay Sapphire viscosity could vilify its intensity by bitterness which is unfounded since a mixture of strawberry, blackberry, blueberry and raspberry ramps its desire up thricefold understanding that balance of fruit and bitters always creates an unlikely marriage, quietly vigilant in its power.

The key to understanding if a mixologist can truly think on his or her feet is responsive in the balance of visual and texture to the consumer's taste. The cocktail menu, although interesting, allowed for different tastes but not one to consummate bitter and sweet together which is a hard bargain. However using rosemary, apricot brandy, Koskenkorva and a secret ingredient, the result of an unnamed concoction, bold in its color and presentation yet still visceral to the taste, pushed the ideal held by all at A21 making it one of the most exceptional forays in this country.The other cocktail tendencies on either side tended to pale in comparison to the ideal of A21 yet two others offered the idea incumbent to some success.

The VIP Terrace at Teatteri overlooking the esplanade offers a great outdoor representation of the city's beauty but its ability to excite both in its musical interlude and ideas of fashion quietly resonate in tandem though not overwhelmingly so.

Consequently challenged on making a cocktail writhed in sweetness, the bartender, though skilled, exceeded to a more mass market idealization of cocktails opting for the more understood but less risky motif making an unnamed drink that provided refreshment and lofty mixes but not with the same dexterity experienced before at A21.

For the standard approach, Bar Mendocino, unlike many of the outside lounges, offers an almost down-home mentality with Guinness and Karjala flowing smoothly next to each other on draft with tables waiting in tandem. As Johnny Cash hangs on the wall, the gentle airy structure of the establishment defines itself not within any specific denomination but rather in its natural state of being as heavy metal rings throughout in an act of normalcy.

Transferring to Savonlinna in the Lake District up the coast, the culinary ideals balance in expectation to intentions of a more traditional yet relaxed approach that befits the area's demeamor which is more analogous to Helsinki in the summer as the French Riviera is to Paris.Approaching the city on its outskirts as with many inclements in the States, Ollinmaki Wine Farm shows its dexterity with a mixture of different wines, abject from berries rather than grapes as befitting of Finland's geographical structure.

In terms of its wine, the Puntun Paavo with its sweet pinpoints offers the most taste conscious intrusion but, if used as a compliment to meals, would overwhelm with taste while the Lumo, with its bitter highlights, is more ideal with meat- based dishes. However, ensconced in rich irony, the Sina & Mina ("You & Me") blends ripe fine for those intimate nights at home when bottles of wine disappear in a blur of forgetfulness.The requisite coin of the Farm consisted also with its liqueurs which add to the uniqueness of its ideology. Different berries create distinct flavors of shooters. The raspberry freshness of the Puolukka has an overwhelmingly sweet taste while the lisbonberry intentions of the Mustaviini provided a darker conception giving a wisp of Jager's licorice without the medicinal aftertaste. However, it was the Kuusenkerkka that held itself to the heart of the locals with its undeniable pine flavor that ratchets feelings of home.

Arriving in the bosom of Savonlinna, the city is traversed in visions of peninsulas, with arms reaching out into jettys of life where different parts of the city live in lithe bliss.On the surrounding lane across from the harbor, the Brewery Restaurant Huvila sits in the visage of what might be mistaken as a lost colonial with its ornate porch area and greens reaching out to the lake. What might be construed as irony is the fact that the restaurant is staged on the grounds of an old asylum giving more than a passing air to its mystery as the storms cloud rage away in offshore.The balance inherent in the irony of this establishment resonates in the fact that most micro-breweries function solely for the idea of their next batch and base the intention of the food preparation around this very ideal. Huvila, by juxtaposition, plays its cards outside this box to exceptional effect.

Brisking within the distinction of an amber ale as water simmers across the viewer, the Saimaa Bouillabaise, dark and pungent with thick pieces of Artic char, vivaciously provides a sense of spice without underwhelming the delacacies of the fish.

Continuing in tangent, the Toast Huvila allows for a ravishing consequence using an artisan approach to a bistro setting with the stacking mechanism of crayfish and vendace on a pumpernickel bread barely kissed by the salsa verde that straddles its edge.

With the inclusion of effervescent Italian wines in varying degrees of tenderness within a Tiefenbrunner 2008 Cabarnet Sauvignon & a 2004 Ambelia that simply charmed, the Chateaubriand, resolutely cut from Puhakainen's Limousine Stock wowed with both its hearty taste and unrivaled flavor enhanced by the use of a dark pepper sauce and surrounded by a perfect herb ducchese.

A post selection of vivacious artisan cheeses lingered within the structure of the wine punctuated by recently harvested strawberries that pointed to the importance of produce oriented intentions without a sacrifice of taste.Beyond the quiet resolute of dinner while twilight still hangs in the sky at 11pm, late days for Huvila revolve along its extended lakefront area, which because of its removal yet inclusion in the city, make it perfect for outdoor concerts and events.

Post opera as the festivities wind down, the nightlife and community flares up in droves as the Fins promote themselves very interactively with a sense of fun. Brought together for a performance of Chisu, a popular Warner Finland music act reminiscent of Dido stateside, the taps of Huvila outside flow with abandon as the standing room crowd progresses with such smooth accuracy as almost not to be seen. Winding into the light-swooned lateness of the night, the drinking stalwarts of Fishu and the indominitable Koskenkorva make their presence known in bottles adding to the revelry.

Earlier in the evening though, pre-Opera intentions for couples or otherwise are quite taken within Linnakrouvi, a fine dining space located simple steps from the Castle Olavinlinna.

Exceptionally elevated with a sprinkling of champagne presence, the airy permutations of venue give utter credence to the scalding beauty of the roasted Artic char resolutely draped in cream sauce with lingering red peppers and lemon zest that literally pops off the palette.In reveling during the day aboard a steamship viewing the beauty respite in the Lake District, a quick voyage aboard theS/S Heinävesi offers a calm undeniable in the heart of the country. Unlike the looming perception of ice and cold that begets the winter, the lithe waters and green vastness bordering Savonlinna give heart to the light brimming from its peaks.

Inside the VIP dining compartment of the steamship, the true vision of homemade verdace caught right within the lake shows the tendency of living true to the land. With insistent meat that flakes right off the bone smoked in turn with a wisp of lemon juice and the pine infused essence of the whipped potatoes, the ironic stillness of the setting begates a longing for simpler treasures in the global urban landscape.Continuing with the ideal of home styled cuisine, Hilpeä Munkki, translated as "The Jolly Monk", revels in its raccous based roots with outside tables replete with burning candles and food that salivates the buds from afar.

The starters and their presentation reflect the imagination of lore as "Forest Flavors" savor in the wry smoke of the roast elk wrapped in melon with lively sweet squash and crayfish plucked in tart texture creating a vivid entrance.

The Hare Skewer enticed as the main dish with the grilled tender morsels writhed in bacon barley notes and sundried tomatoes while the vegetables swirl in hearty countenance through a maelstrom of flavor, which felt both unique and familiar at the same time.

Lunch begets the traveler but miles away from the artisan bustle of Savonlinna, Holiday Village Jarvisydan lurks with an old world tenacity that befits its direct reflection of both the lake, the land and its internal veracity that comes from being both connected and reflective of the outside world.Entering into the wooden comfort of Restaurant Piikatytto, the buffet lunch spread, indicative of Finnish intentions country wide, receives an intrepid boost, not comparative to other lunch offerings, literally because of its depth of flavor specific to this selective gem and location.

The inset progression of homemade beer in the form of Kotakalia is inventively balanced by the mushroom-fused salad, creamy and voracious in its taste, accentuated by a pasta salad luridly consumed with a cream sauce and a hearty lihapullat, the Finnish form of meatballs, which offers calm with a heavenly comfort.

After cruising the swath of the massive Lake Saimaa system which offers rare osprey sightings and the vivid possibility of gray spotted seal encounters, its presence as thriving ecological point verifies the unique perception of the region, whether covered with ice or thriving in summer.

Continuing in this progression, the idea of sauna is a very large component of Finnish life, both in summer and winter. But to understand its importance requires an aspect of experience in its structure. While Western culture believes in a sense that the jacuzzi mentality requires lack of heat to be a basis for its inclusion in daily life (i.e. within rainstorms or ski resorts), the sauna inclination (specifically in the Lake Region) requires a completely different primer. With the summer heat rising into the high 90s at specific time, the proximity of the dark cool water becomes clear.The relevance of the sauna (like the old gangster version of steam rooms in the States) is that it is good for business and allows you to gauge a perception of the partner, colleague or competitor in front of you because adhering to the aspect of heat with the way the mind works definitely gives a better perception in outside networking and meetings by far.

Saunas within Jarvisydan take the form of the classic wordly structures and then the smoke houses which are differentiated by the smell. Reserving in advance is necessary and drinks must be requested ahead of the appointment time. Sodas and similar progressions work but a good cold brew like Karhu (think Coors) or a Gin Long (which uses berry infusion) wrestles the sweat in volume. After spending a good forty minutes inside, the intent is to bustle out of the lodge and flip off the dock into the dark cool water. Point taken since there is very few concepts like the "cool off".

With the summer blazing brightly leading into the later evening, the Piikatytto dinner progression becomes another idea entirely. The initial intrepid cocktail, presented more as an aspect of tradition to entice human sexuality, comes in the form of a wooden housed cranberry cocktail using the berries accorded but draping it with powder from a moose horn.

Tradition continues in tangent with the inclusion of the Fishermen's Plate which exemplifies local verdace, smoked in consistency, with salmon to give a rich but deep taste when combining with a smoldering goat cheese spread along with the sweet zing of red onions.

After the uber rich countenance of a chunky mushroom soup, an Elk Meat skewer, esconced in a rich wine sauce with a blackcurrent jelly, reflected the consistency of the comparative Munkki style with gusto down to the bacon barley heartiness that makes this cuisine so exceptional in its simplicity.Dessert, though not specified as much, has a distinct thrill within the culture allowing for a structured cross-section of progression. While lunch at Piikatytto spelled forth with a creamy strawberry intensified cake, Munkki, in comparison, ingratiated with a tar ice cream bathed in honey and raspberries offering an intensity of flavor both offputting and accepted.

Following the dinner at the Piikatytto, the closer of a Blackcurrant souffle, a rich and tart mainstay of the region bathed in berry sauce, licks the palette with a savory wanton grasp that reminds that the purest of ingredients in essence creates the best culinary experiences.A balanced texture also reflects also in the transportation function which mirrors nicely within the culinary track.Finnair, with its business class service from New York to Helsinki, offers many amenities that reflect the country's strengths but also allow adequate work space and a taste of its flavor.The seating space fully reclines into a bed-sized structure but the aspect of power and multiple table outlays make for a productive and comfortable overseas trip ranging at around 8 hours from gate to gate.

The food served balances this ideal beginning with the texture of an Artic Bramble, which offers a tantalizing pop of Finnish liquor, especially when presented with a starter of crab and caviar wrapped in salmon with a lush tomato soup.

Continuing with the essence of a Finnish-based Sandels beer, a braised lamb sauteed with fresh mushrooms and fingerling tomatoes leads the way into a sweet finish with a caramel-wrapped layer cake that flaked with finesse preparing one for the sights to come.The resurrecting notion of Finland within its culinary variations resides in its structure of bringing connectivity with a sense of old world traditions. Within these inherent visions of comfort reside a motivation of mixing different styles without losing the true nature and taste of what gives the culture its texture: a blending of the old and the new.


Tonal Escapes & Visual Tendencies: The Savonlinna Opera Festival & The Texture Of Finnish Design - Feature


Dexterious Mixing & Wistful Relaxation: Tales Of The Cocktail 2010 - Feature - Part III