IR TV Review: THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT - EPISODE 4 (“The Gathering Storm”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+]

Boba Fett is the continuing sum of his experiences. It is interesting that the aspect of the Sarlacc changed him. It is almost as if he hadn't been in worse situations than that. The texture of his actual enlightenment is ironic though simply because it is the Sandpeople that are the cause of hs redemption. They have always instilled dark lore especially in the death of Anakin's mother. That is what caused the formal Jedi to fall into an uncontrollable death spiral. Empathy is not what one would think of in Boba Fett but sooner or later he will need to be very brutal because sometimes the world just eacts only to brutish strength. The rescuing of a comrade populates this element and connects it to "The Mandalorian". The reasoning and progression of Episode 4: "The Gathering Storm" feels sounds but a lot of what makes the episode work is filling in the blanks, closing up story elements and moving everything forward which is undeniably important as well.

One scene inside a bar is undeniably a character moment but it establishes an earlier character even more in a sense of mythos. Writer Jon Favreau understands the larger world of Star Wars but his brush strokes are much broader and less uber-detailed oriented again than Dave Filoni is per se. Favreau sees the bigger tableau but the show needs to retain more watercooler elements in a way which "The Mandalorian" had. "Fett" as a show does not in this way despite good story value and the continual blending of the Stagecraft element. One cannot even tell now the boundary between real background ad fiction which is of course part of the point. A scene close to the end however shows that not everything is set but that an unique perspective rests in the echelons of balance, even in the criminal world. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: PEACEMAKER - EPISODE 4 (“The Choad Less Traveled”) [HBO Max]


IR TV Review: PEACEMAKER - EPISODES 1, 2 & 3 [HBO Max]