IR TV Review: STAR WARS - THE BAD BATCH - EPISODE 3 (“The Solitary Clone”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+-S2]

The essence of the reverse side of progress can be a powerful balance point in a story. Like "Andor" which showed the ambitions of the Imperials, however misguided, the 3rd Episode of Season 2 of "The Bad Batch": "The Solitary Clone" examines the continuing and congruent path of Crosshair who after losing Rogue Section 99 before they went underground, basically has been demoted. Like many in that position, he wants to prove himself, right or wrong. That comes in the play of a mission to help control a planet that the Empire is trying to "help" (i.e. subjugate). The path involves taking down a leader who is armed with separatist droids and equipment but reprogrammed to protect her.

Instruments of destruction can become instruments of protection so it is interesting to see this quandary. As far as strategy, this episode is better than many simply because of the driving force specifically of Kevin Kiner's music in its latter half. In one sequence heading up the stairs of a castle like the building in "Die Hard" or in "Robin Hood", the beats move rapidly and especially works in tandem showing the prowess of Crosshair in his expert skill. There is even a moment of comraderie versus loyalty which is the crux of the episode. Even at the end, there is a telling moment which will motivate a likely plot device for the rest of the season. But the taking of the castle and the reasoning in this episode are done very well. It functions as a stand alone episode but works even better if you know the history. A-

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: WILLOW - EPISODE 8 [Lucasfilm/Disney+]
