IR TV Review: STAR TREK - LOWER DECKS - EPISODE 4 (“Something Borrowed, Something Green”) [Paramount+-S4]

The aspect of identity has always been central to "Lower Decks" but the quietest one of the bunch in Tendi only doles out a tad of her background. Hers might be one with more context than any of the 5 core characters. With Episode 4 of Season 4 entitled "Something Borrowed, Something Green" there is alot more playing beneath the surface than we have really seen. She is called back to her home planet because of an impending nuptial. It gives a better view into Orion society but one wonders if it is considered canon. The journey and bigger world is interesting, especially with their new Vulcan female compatriot (who in many ways has the look and feel of a Ro -- which isn't bad).

The backstory here almost has context of the prequels from another franchise which is interesting in many ways because, as time as shown, intent and repurcussions take time. This is the episode of the ladies and it works very well because there is sense of teamwork which, when the boys are around, seems immature (on the boys' part). Rutherford and Boimler are adjusting to their new lives and roommate situation. It seems the creative team is trying to mix the characterizations up as they go in a more interesting way. But focusing on the reticence and the reasoning for it in terms in Tendi pays off very well in this episode. That said, the other use of a beginning tease for a bigger story that is gestating in the background seems almost antithetical since it does not completely relate to the story being told in that given episode. There is no pay off in what it is doing so far in that regard. While the humor does permeate through, this episode reflects more in tolerance giving this specific story (of Tendi) both an easiness but also a heart which can be touch and go. B+

By Tim Wassberg




IR TV Review: STAR WARS - AHSOKA - EPISODE 6 (“Far Far Away”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+]