IR TV Review: STAR TREK - DISCOVERY - EPISODE 7 (“Unification III”) [CBS All Access-S3]


The idea of identity and who we are meant to be always changes depending on circumstances. The explanation of certain actions or the consequences of actions past sometimes spills forward. In Episode 7 of Season 3 of "Star Trek: Discovery" entitled "Unification III", the audience gets to see this with Michael Burnham in two very specific ways in two very different settings. One is an interesting in that it is also a Turing Test for Michael but why it really works is that there is an endgame both emotional and practically for her per se. It is not simply a means for an end. The reflection of family and legacy also has a very big shroud over the context of the situation. The big texture this episode brings is a certain connective tissue that shows a depth but also lets the bigger Star Trek universe, even for a minute second, in. It is like that moment in "Blade Runner 2049" where Gosling's J plays a holographic song by Sinatra. It tends to bring history together in a very simple yet complex way. That happens here. It shows the connect and how close things can be and yet be so separate and distant. That is the battle being raged, most specifically by Burnham. It is one of knowledge for sure but also one of existence since the year in the 30th Century has changed her irrevocably...and like for many, evolution is a result of circumstance. A-

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: THE MANDALORIAN - CHAPTER 13 ("The Jedi")[Disney+-S2]


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