IR TV Review: STAR TREK - DISCOVERY - EPISODE 11 (“Rosetta”) [Paramount+-S4]

The aspect of motivation and the reasoning of approach depends of what one shows of character and how certain tenants of enlightenment per se enter the picture. With Episode 11: " Rosetta" of Season 4 of "Star Trek: Discovery", it is coming to bear both of strengths and flaws of character from Burnham and Book and beyond. "Rosetta" speaks to the idea of unlocking what is motivating the DMA. The reasoning is that it is an advanced mining spatial anomaly. An away mission makes the impact clearer but not the reasoning though it's universal approach does show some great character moments in Saru, the doctor and the reserved comms officer who has given little time to shine. Meanwhile the parallel path of Book and Tarka relishes in subversion and using buried fears in the politics to advance their goal while Book still seemingly tries to protect Michael though the episode ends with a bit of a wrench which is a nice surprise since it allows a sporadic guest star to start to shine again. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: STAR TREK - PICARD - EPISODE 1 (“The Star Gazer”) [Paramount+-S2]


IR TV Review: LAW & ORDER - EPISODE 1 (“The Right Thing”) [NBC-S21]