IR TV Review: MOON KNIGHT - EPISODE 3 [Marvel/Disney+]

Connection and a sense of necessity populate Episode 3 of "Moon Knight". As a progression of self, the element of need in the character is perpetrated by the would-be entanglements that he finds himself in. The idea of a greater power is an interesting metaphor especially if it is ultimately done by committee. The end game, as shown by the past two episodes, is a little flimsy in certain ways but the reason is sharp as day. The rub aspect of it is that this detail would unravel everything per se which Oscar Isaac's character holds dear and yet there is an almost nihilstic quality. It is a search for duality within one's self then both halves likely make a whole. The wild card in this aspect is actually what the suit represents since it does different things for different angles of the person but it's reason for being is not super clear (since this reviewer has not read the comics).

The obvious references to Egyptian lore are important of course but the power of a certain God is both unbalanced and yet not something that seems to be overly feared. Hawke's character has a much more human at times motivation which is partially bathed in ego but also in a sense of justice (if that is the right word). The crux of Isaac's character is one of Shakespeare at times: "To Be Or Not To Be". Some of the situations that he finds himself in whether on a private estate or on the top of buildings play to this fact but the movement of the series is about that balance. A tricky sequence happens towards the end of this episode which is both wildly cool but also slightly unmoving because the consequences except for one don't seem to be widespread (but this might be a slow burn). But the idea of "what dreams may come" still is coming to bear depending on what the character really wants and what he can survive. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: STAR TREK - PICARD - EPISODE 7 (“Monsters”) [Paramount+-S2]


IR TV Review: STAR TREK - PICARD - EPISODE 6 (“Two For One”) [Paramount+-S2]