IR TV Review: LOKI - EPISODE 6 [Disney+]


Realization versus motivation can be two separate things. The season finale of "Loki" has been building towards a reveal of sorts and the episode doesn't shy away but it does know what it's doing. But in doing so, in a smart move, it settles for a more Hamlet/Macbeth approach in showing what is to blame or what is to come. The aspect of the Id within Loki is both his/her strength and his/her downfall. Revealing anything more would give away the crux of the episode. Needless to say, there is a reason or causality for everything, even at the end of time. The question becomes why but more necessarily, at times, when. There is also a MacGuffin which invariably points back to "Jurassic Park" and Mr. DNA. Just because you can do it, should it be done or are there different avenues to walk? The decision of Loki is two fold both for his/her ego but also for his/her want. Loki has grown (much like in the later "Avengers" timeline) but what does that mean? The variant structure backwards and forwards becomes a different question in the fact of what is the focal point of the universe and does it shift the deeper into the multiverse one goes. A

By Tim Wassberg




IR TV Review: THE BAD BATCH - EPISODE 11 (“Devil’s Deal”) [Disney+]