IR TV Review: LOKI - EPISODE 4 [Disney+]


Consequence and reflection of self seem to be an ongoing motif throughout "Loki". The idea of "self" and what it means becomes even more pronounced in Episode 4 which pulls out a lot of switchblade stops that are both poignant and sudden. There are many questions but it is interesting to see how different characters deal with them and what "truth" means. The progression especially with a nexus event that truly isn't explained, happens in one subtle moment and its impact is felt for the rest of the episode since it informs everything Loki does next. His reveal of sorts in motivations bring out a darker streak in others interestingly enough. Awakening is too specific a word. Instead it is more like a viewport like the different lines that TVA watches branch off. Also the aspect that nothing is what it seems is an interesting construct even in the fact is that there is a gizmo called a holoprojector in the ending sequence credits. Everything could be a lie or this is just a story Loki is telling himself inside his mind. In this way, this episode reflects interestingly enough to the Robin Williams' movie "Toys" in terms of why people do things and what facades they put up to protect themselves. A-

By Tim Wassberg


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