Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: YOUNG PLATO [DOC NYC 2021 - Virtual]

The aspect of living the best life while understanding the philosophy of why we live life is an interesting approach in terms of structure. In "Young Plato" [International Competition] set at a Catholic Boys school in Belfast, the approach is intrinsic in showing the different thought processes and adjustments of the young minds coming up but also their baser instincts. The clash between Protestants and Catholics in Belfast has, of course, been well documented. The principal of the school, seemingly himself rehabilitated from perhaps violence he keyed toward earlier in his youth, is undeniably dedicated to providing his students with an ability of escape. What is interesting is seeing how the influences of home and age old prejudices influence the impact of the present day even when school is trying to reframe thinking. One young student in general seems to get angry and then recoils when he realizes what he has done without realizing why he is doing it. It is that perhaps lack of understanding of perhaps mental elements such as depression back in even say the late 60s that fueled hate but also allowed certain members of the community to take advantage of others perhaps on both sides.

Watching the kids think aloud with the principal and the teachers in class is important but it is hard to say what points of what elements are staged since the kids doesn't seem coached but there is an element of artifice. The film was began before the pandemic and then picks up after the lockdown llits. The principal also talks to the parents who do want better elements for their children but the reality is some form of violence or underlying tension in this part of Northern Ireland will always exist simply because it is the nature of the area and has been for centuries. This is true now (especially now and even before the pandemic) with the Brexit element still on people's minds. Previous news footage including an attack per se on the Catholic All Girls School in 2001 and a more recent bomb scare at the Boys School seemingly less than 5 years ago shows that certain modes of thinking are still alive. "Young Plato" brings to bear the idea that ways of thinking can change the mind as long as the questions are ingrained into the young in their formative years. B-

By Tim Wasssberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: DEAN MARTIN - KING OF COOL [DOC NYC 2021 - Virtual]


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