Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: DEAN MARTIN - KING OF COOL [DOC NYC 2021 - Virtual]

The aspect of what defines cool but also the method of communication and possibility can reflect in different people in many ways. One of the interesting things that the documentary "Dean Martin: King Of Cool" does is pontificate what lies behind the persona. But what becomes true especially through the visage of his daughter Deana Martin who was specifically involved in this tome is that her father kept many things to himself. This caused both of his marriages to disintegrate. It is not that he didn't love his family. He simply saw a specific path. For a guy who built himself on the cool lifestyle, it is interesting to realize that he wouldn't stay out all night partying with Frank Sinatra or even at his own parties at his house. After meeting everyone, he would retreat back to a quiet room to watch TV. It was an irony to the myth that has purveyed for many years. The Martin & [Jerry] Lewis collaboration is looked at in uncanny psychological terms (even an interview with Lewis' son is included]. It shows a fraught but creatively unsustainable passage where many (including Norman Lear who worked on their show) thought that Dean had the harder job than Jerry. You can see the love they both had for each other but also the moment when it went sour.

Lewis was pushing the bubble but Dean had a specific talent and maybe was apprehensive of what he could do. But in highlighting two films here in his transition with "Young Lions" (specifically his interaction with Montgomery Clift) as well as "Rio Bravo" showed what he could do. The Rat Pack always seen as a pinnacle in modern society with those entertainers careers was actually an afterthought when Sinatra wanted to get Martin out of his funk. Sinatra always wanted to bring people together but also control the table to a point. "The Dean Martin Show" happened after that based on a deal no one could get nowadays with taping one day a week and no rehearsal and yet it worked. Martin seems like he didn't have a plan but let that spontaneity run. Watching his final years, especially the death of his son Dean Paul (Dean Jr.) in a plane crash, would crush anyone plus the death of his parents that same year. One question that is asked that becomes an interesting background is the element of his "Rosebud" which ends up being a very specific practical thing that broke through, opening his heart (just as a tad) for a specific few to see in within his final days. A-

By Tim Wassberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Interview: COSMIC DAWN [Denver Film Festival 2021] - Part III


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