IR TV Review: WHAT IF - EPISODE 5 (“…Zombies”) [Disney+]


The aspect of loss can be felt in different ways. The most recent episode of "What If..." [featuring Doctor Strange] was simply heart-wrenching in a way that is hard to replicate. In next episode of "What If..." -- Episode 5 entitled "...Zombies", it uses the zombie lore to complete subjugate every pursuit and path that the Avengers were fighting for. The catalyst within the Quantum Realm makes definite sense and then the rabbit hole begins there. Different cast members we haven't seen in a while show up both pre and post turn but beyond one couple, who we have watched recently, much of it seems empty. While the imagery is interesting and intense playing into lore, its logic is more done for the imagery and the irony than any metaphor it might be speaking to.


The palette here, even more than the Doctor Strange episode, is infinitely more fiery. While bleak does describe it, the loss element, especially through a certain web slinger doesn't resonate as it should, but that might be because of the voices. Some are original. Some are not...but most laymen might not be to make the distinction. However it does take something away at times. The science of it is left by the wayside but the aspect of New York turning into a zombified ruin, especially in the subways, has its merits. Ultimately though, zombies are zombies...and while the concept is interesting to watch, it is a genre well worn. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: STAR TREK - LOWER DECKS - EPISODE 5 (“An Embarrassment Of Dopplers”) [Paramount+]


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