As turbulance grows in any story, it is simply whom a character can depend on if anyone that determines an outcome. Some might be loyal and have their own agenda while others might be compounded by belief or perspective that makes them hesitate. In Episode 4 of "The Swarm", intent and outcome are two different things. Leon (played by Joshua Odjick), who in the previous episode was the sole human witness in the behavior of the humpbacks in the wild, is becoming more the literal and spirutual catalyst of the story. Most everyone else is determined by science and loss. His motivation is spurred on by something perhaps a little bigger in the scheme of things. Most ideas and perspectives fall on deaf ears in the show until it is too late.

With Leon, he must contend with even more restrictions which ties his hands but, more than others, he is the one who is finding the clues to connect the dots. Reaction time is a basis. But even in survival situations as we see with some of the scientists including the researcher from Scotland, the people with the right approach and attitude will prevail. They might be forever changed by the trauma of their ordeal but their experience should allow them to move forward more decisively in the future. Altrusim, for many of the characters, is a two way street. It is interesting that some decide to be passive but that was likely a character trait of them individually from the beginning but not one that should be counted against them. It is simply part of their being. But as "The Swarm" gets bigger and more complex, the crux of the series is understanding how our main characters react and move forward. B

By Tim Wassberg


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