IR TV Review: THE ORVILLE - NEW HORIZONS - EPISODE 8 (“Midnight Blue”) [Hulu]

The idea of identity has been a big metaphor throughout this season in "The Orville: New Horizons". One of the most crucial has been interestingly enough that of gender identity, which is obviously a big topic in the current world. But like other stories this season, specifically the ones involving Bortus and Topa (specifically "A Tale Of Two Topas", this passage of realization is crucial. Episode 8: "Midnight Blue" returns to the planet of females considered heretical by Bortus' culture which is primarily male. The texture in many ways is primal and shows the very complicated relationship of this kind of family, especially with the inclusion in certain intention (intended or not) by Commander Grayson. What works in this episode is that it hyper focuses on certain characters which the series has been very adept at doing this season.

On top of this, the fact that this season allows for longer episodes allows for the context of what is being shown to be explored fully whereas, in many smaller shows, character beats could be lost in the edit for broadcast. "Twice In A Lifetime" following Lt. Malloy a couple episodes ago was a very good example of this. In "Blue", there are conflicts of interest and ideals which one needs to understand and let sink in in certain scenes. Reactions are understood but consequences are what they are despite best laid intentions. But the element is based in forgiveness which here is brought full circle in a way through acceptance and, to a point, understanding. While the special guest star in the episode is the cyclical point that allows a certain character to see a point of view for plot intentions, its use is quite effective. The greatness of "The Orville" this season is that it is not painted in ego but in simply telling stories the way they should be told while still understanding most of the time that it is not about the destination, but the journey. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: HARLEY QUINN - EPISODES 1, 2 & 3 [HBO Max-S3]


IR TV Review: THE ORVILLE - NEW HORIZONS - EPISODE 7 (“From Unknown Graves”) [Hulu]