IR TV Review: THE ARK - EPISODE 11 (“The Last Thing You’ll Ever Do”) [SyFy]
Finding a way to undo betrayal comes down to repentance in the aid of loyalty. The inflection of Episode 11 of "The Ark" entitled "The Last Thing You'll Ever Do" many times comes down to the essence of a no-win scenario when everything seems to be lost. What the storytellers on "The Ark" do in this episode is realize, more specifically than in most episodes, is that the devil is in the details. Garnet uses the textures of all her crew and they rise to the occasion whether it be Angus subverting his captivity, Felix understanding the rules of his logic, Lane and Brice learning to let go or Eva proving again that she can thinking outside of the box.
The mustache twirling of Maddox and her bi-polar daughter Kelly seems to point in the inherent flaw of Ark 15. Ark 1, even with all its problems and recent mutiny, is trying to do something better but the people inside need to listen to the reasons why. The escape at one point in the episode per se is nicely done because the story understands the logistics even if the importance of the end game (beyond surviving) is not known. The lines of both personal and professional continue to line up while seemingly diverging. However the dread of what is lost on Earth is still not quite felt (as perhaps it was when the crew was having visions from the contaminated water). And yet the exact contagion that perpetrated that is still in play and hopefully before the conclusion of the season will be explained. B
By Tim Wassberg