IR TV Review: THE ARK - EPISODE 10 (“Hoping For Forever”) [SyFy]

With the transgressions of the last couple episodes, the reasoning of humanity and what it is capable of is interestingly placed in the focus of rulers and conquerors versus the masses who must decide what is right and wrong. With Episode 10 of "The Ark" entitled "Hoping For Forever" the intent of one recovered girl from the tomb that is Ark II is uncovered in what she really is. While sacrifices need to be made, the almost submarine warfare (versus odes to "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea) plays well. The aspect of "The Ark" that sometimes bubbles too close to the surface is an essence of melodrama or overacting. This is true of many of the actors though some mask it better than others. Not everything needs to be a a reveal or a mustache twirling moment.

"The Ark" could do with some better subtlety. Interestingly we have only gotten that recently from two more periphery characters in Felix (Pavle Jerinic) and Dr. Kabir (Shalini Peiris) while Lt. Brice (Richard Fleeshman) and Eva (Tiana Upcheva) have good chemistry (like Tom & B'Elanna on "Star Trek: Voyager") but play it too close to the surface. The main gist of the episode and its outcome has to deal with a bigger matter although the introduction of another character definitely plays to the notions of Czars and ambition. The reality of what the breakdown of society causes and the bad choices people make continues to fuel "The Ark". This is what makes the show relatable but it almost doesn't need to try so hard. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: THE MANDALORIAN - EPISODE 6 (“Guns For Hire”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+-S3]


IR TV Review: THE MANDALORIAN - EPISODE 5 (“The Pirate”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+-S3]