IR TV Review: STAR TREK - DISCOVERY - EPISODE 6 (“Scavengers”) [CBS All Access-S3]


The continuing aspect of loyalty within the Star Trek Universe never seemed to be truly an issue before Michael Burnham came into play (in terms of circle of friends on a starship). This might happen to be influences or the way she was raised. The key is that she is a product of her environment but these actions make her the character she is. Loyalty is an interesting word, which Sonequa alluded to for our interview at the beginning of this season. Without giving too much away, in Episode 6 (“Scavengers”) of Season 3, Michael does go off task in this episode but for good reason...and again it plays not so much to the density of the season but what it means. A lot of what is shown in the new Federation is defensive protection and not necessarily fact finding and moving outward which is what Burnham is always interested in. This is, of course, a precept of The Burn which is one of the mysteries this season. Like the best of Trek, Burnham wants to find out why things are but without sacrificing her core beliefs. This is a long way from Spock with the needs of the many but it is a different life...and maybe not so separated as one would believe. The texture of the new technology continues to be an interesting progressions which allows for some humor in the best sense of Trek. They are not quite there in terms of creating that TOS dynamic or even the uneasy humor of Data but the cast is trying. The most texture, at least emotionally, is between a new Trill and Lt. Stamets. His story in certain ways felt incomplete because it was simply about his ability to operate the spore drive. But with this subplot, the series continually makes its idea known about connection and that iit can found in the most unusual corners. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: THE MANDALORIAN - CHAPTER 12 ("The Siege")[Disney+-S2]


IR TV Review: BIG SKY - EPISODE 1 (“Pilot”) [ABC]