IR TV Review: SPECIAL OPS - LIONESS - EPISODE 7 (“Wish The Fight Away”) [Paramount+]

The aspect of the psychology of deep cover has been biting at Cruz (Laysla De Oliveira) in "Special Ops: Lioness" because she can will herself into combat situations but human behavior is still an interesting parable for her. In Episode 7: "Wish The Fight Away", the aspect is fighting away internal instinct without perhaps even knowing how much rides on the essence of what might be seen like a personal journey with far reaching implications. Because of the pressure placed on both Jo (Zoe Saldana) and her boss Kaitlin (Nicole Kidman) because of a parallel op gone wrong, their reps and perhaps more are on the line. The key comes down to the angle of what the target is.

Cruz might know more than she is telling to her superiors but the issue is she is being turned around and played on every angle by both sides with different levels of masks. It just depends on her loyalty which is understood. After the incident with her daughter, we are seeing some chinks in Jo which Saldana understands how to play. The solid exterior does form cracks which means she has to double down. The fissure spills in an interesting way up to Kaitlin because of the interesting relationship she has with her husband in an essence almost of quid pro quo. The irony is that everyone is holding their emotions in except one which is why the narrative is an interesting powder-keg in an interesting cauldron on urban soil. This episode is a little quieter and less dynamic but perhaps because it is lighting the fuse for the final episode which could go in many different ways. B


IR TV Review: STAR WARS - AHSOKA - EPISODE 3 (“Time To Fly”) [Lucasfilm/Disney+]


IR TV Review: SPECIAL OPS - LIONESS - EPISODE 5 (“Truth Is The Shrewdest Lie”) [Paramount+]