IR TV Review: PLANET EARTH III - EPISODE 2 (“Ocean”) [BBC America]

Striving hard to top subsequent episodes can be tricky in terms of nature programs. With "Planet Earth III" in its 2nd episode: "Ocean", it is about finding perspectives that perhaps can be new and unique. The macro element is especially explored. The plight of a young horned shark is specifically pointed since it usese specific misdirects to motivate the viewer in different ways. Again, it is about providing personalities to some of these creatures, some manufactured, some not. Another interlude with micro crabs on fishing nets pays retroactive homage to "Finding Nemo" where art intimates life and vice versa. The most heart wrenching and also the most modernly relatable are fishing boats catching mackerel off the South American coast. Seals have inrepreted modern fishing and try to use it to their advantage, even though it gets them severely in trouble.

In the main show, as well as the behind-the-scenes segments, watching a mother and her pup being separated by a fishing net, even though the animal did place itself in danger in the first place, is nonetheless affecting. Since the episode is called "Ocean", it does go down in a deep sea submersible with some interesting images. However, there is so much on the surface that it is surprising there is not more there. However the specific plight and life and death struggle in the depths of a certain type of octopus is nevertheless riveting since it takes place at such depths. "Planet Earth III" in its 2nd episode does take the viewer farther since many of these animals highlighted here have never been seen on such a program. A-

By Tim Wassberg




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