
The IP of The Muppets is tricky because doing anything original tends to imbalance with the fact that the original performers and creators are gone so it becomes a new age interpretation of the characters. This is fine as all IP at times needs to transform. However in the past years, the Muppets have instead been used as a reflection on pop culture, both past and present. The only original puppeteer/character actor still primarily in play is David Goelz who plays many different characters but specifically Gonzo. Gonzo, of course, is the perfect foil and subject for "Muppets Haunted Mansion". Although made mostly with green screen as a one hour holiday special, the structure (like say "Muppet Treasure Island") works because it is based in a restrictive environment with certain rules (and interestingly enough odes to the original Muppet Show). But is also undeniably self reflexive in knowing that is the Muppets playing dress up with some celebrity guests bounding about. Gonzo and Pepe (the king prawn who is just looking to chat up celebs at a party) go to a haunted mansion for a fear challenge while all the other Muppets are at their holiday party. It is actually a smart misdirect because you can focus on a different character other than Kermit, Piggy & Fozzie.


Again, this is a great way to use IP in the streaming space which Disney+ definitely understands. However the tone, as it has been in the past, is there but it is slightly off...just center of right. The musical scenes are alright (the one inside the mansion is fairly cool) but they aren't as catchy as the past. While the structure tries to play on the aspects of the ride, some aspects come off a little much. Fozzie's glow-in-the-dark head-in-a-box actually might be a little much for kids as well as Gonzo's later transformation. It is all done with fun and tongue-in-cheek but still. Will Arnett plays the master of ceremonies in a way but interestingly enough, for the first half of the special, this reviewer thought it was Patrick Wilson as the character. Plenty of other cameos abound but the one that stands out primarily is Taraji P Henson as a would-be bride with eyes for Pepe The Prawn. it actually works quite well because of the deliciousness of the fun she is having but also because Henson was last seen primarily on "Empire" which gives her performance a certain darkness. But ultimately this is almost an existential story for Gonzo, maybe not as deep an imprinting ultimately than one would think, but it definitely gives him something to think about in why he acts the way that he does. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: LA BREA - EPISODE 2 (“Day Two”) [NBC]
