IR TV Review: HARLEY QUINN - EPISODE 4 (“Business Conference Without…”) [Max]

The movement of working and perspective ultimately has to do with being true to oneself. As the progression of "Harley Quinn" as an animated series has reflected whom our heroine sees as herself, it ultimately comes down to how she reflects herself seen in the eyes of others. With a previous Vegas episode, the uniqueness that Harley sees in herself cannot be hidden by a simply wig and being bad. Quinn still revels in killing people but being part of the Bat clan, she needs to play by the rules, even if it means forcing them to bend it a bit.

Luthor left Ivy in charge of the Legion Of Doom on Earth while he is up on the moon. Ivy heads to a business conference there (the series just set new boundaries in this way). He just wants to use her as an inclusion tactic (she has already gotten grief from her fellow villains on Earth save for one who straddles the line). Talia Ah Ghul is an interesting play on competitiveness but one sees a jealousy streak coming even if she does not. Ivy is moving up and being more cuttthroat and in a way leaving Quinn behind. Harley just wants to have fun and support her girl while still being true to herself (whether that stays on the side of good is to be seen). The reflecting irony of the title of the episode "Business Conference Without Chlyamedia" (as referenced by her assistant who is also looking for the right amount of action) is a double edged sword that must be aware of itself and yet playing to the crowd. B-

By Tim Wassberg


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