The essence of "Faraway Downs", which is built on the bones of Baz Luhrmann's "Australia", is constructed to perhaps give it a perspective to audiences who maybe didn't quite connect to the story of cattle and exploration upon its release. The tricky element is that Luhrmann makes inherently cinematic pieces and this was no different. It simply might not have been global enough in certain ways. What "Faraway Downs" does is use the concept of Nullah (Brandon Walters) as the viewpoint of the story and his idea of growing as a person while balancing his love of Missus Boss (Nicole Kidman). It was like that originally in the aforementioned film but pushed for a more sweeping story. This episodic retelling adds a bit and it still feels cinematic but the pacing is more muted and intimate at times. The music is very different (even aside from the opening credits) and there is an inherent differently editing mix giving more time to Boss' perspective with Nullah and the back and forth of that context. The ending also is completely different in what it shows. It is a simple editing cut and retooling of the ending climatic sequence in one specific way. Inherently though, the first ending feels more cinematic and Hollywood but less intimate and wrenching than the ending Luhrmann shows here.

It is a matter of choice but it makes Kidman's character a bit more like the heroine in "Out Of Africa": steadfast but more accountable though her specific motivations are the same. Luhrmann simply lets the story breathe more. It is always interesting to see what is left on the cutting room floor in ways since there was no new footage filmed here. Comparing it can be difficult because seeing it all in one go has its advantages but for those who want to ease into the understanding, this can be a better approach as a series. Many streaming films today should be series and vice versa. It is just a matter of what works better. Luhrmann has done "The Get Down" with streaming and it is awesome that he did Australia as "Faraway Downs". However in terms of experience the original "Australia" is still the definitive cut and what it should be interpreted as. This is simply a different viewpoint. However seeing Baz work in a slightly alternative universe (though it feels a little rougher) is always something that should be embraced. B+

By Tim Wassberg


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