IR TV Review: ANDOR - EPISODE 5 [Lucasfilm/Disney+]

Building an idea of a rebellion and what everyone is fighting for allows for what Episode 5 of "Andor" is attempting to show: motivation. After joining as a mercenary with a rag tag bunch looking to take down part of a stronghold on a mission, Andor (posing as Clem) learns the process by which this offensive is being planned. By slowing down and literally have no space or fight sequences (save for an well-done valley recon sequence), it gives the impression of a battalion preparing for battle: their fears, their beliefs, their strengths. Andor begins to learn what provokes and hurts each of these team members. This is what interestingly enough might allow him to understand and connect with why he and them are there.

Luna does something interesting and childlike which really grounds his character. He jumps when anyone touches him and takes his stuff (even to move it). He hasn't learned how to play with others...maybe because he hasn't had to or when he did, they ended up hurt. The political balance on Coruscant continues to play out and one scene shows that alot of success and approach against the Empire is obviously up to luck. The resounding element that it shows is that these missions might fail just as much as they succeed. It just depends who wants it more and how personal it is, which is an interesting parrallel to the current situation in the Baltics in= how the different participants and those on the ground see their perspective. "Andor" is smart in this episode to slow the progression down and begin to show exactly on a personal level what each person, even in a small group,might and should be fighting for. B+

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: WEREWOLF BY NIGHT [Marvel/Disney+]
