IR TV Review: 1923 - EPISODE 5 (“Ghost Of Zebrina”) [Paramount+]

After the ending of the mid-season on "1923", the path of progression was set high but also relevant in the notion of not losing the romance versus the context of the situation that was building. The adventure still motivates Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) in her path with Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) but hopefully the reality will not impede her resolve though it seems (especially in two scenes in a bed and on a bridge), that her intent is getting ever stronger. What is interesting in Episode 5 here is the subtle empathy in the strength of many of the wives growing when their men are faltering slightly in self doubt, rage and, in a way, self loathing. The stories float between these ideas and where modernity lies. The external story which of course is building is of the Indian school and the brutality there. While that crossection is less connected to the central story, it is by far the most brutal and telling at times of the story.

That said, the episode celebrates romance in an unexpected place because that is the only thing that will sometimes keep the light on. One character says that she doesn't want to be in a prison per se but it is about perspective and being seen than locked away. The path of Spencer & Alex again is the most dynamic because of scope but also because of the discovery while Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren back on the ranch show the slow and steady brilliance of maturity without losing a lick of respect or love. One specific shot with Harrison walking slowly up and down the stairs while Mirren's character watches him unaware reinforces that power. The build is simply what will happen. Winter is coming and their enemies know it. B

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: THE LAST OF US - EPISODE 4 (“Please Hold On To My Hand”) [HBO]


IR TV Review: THE ARK - EPISODE 1 [SyFy]