IR TV Review: DISNEY GALLERY - THE MANDALORIAN - EPISODE 8 ("Connections") [Disney+]

With the final entry in the "Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian" and its behind the scenes perception in Episode 8: "Connections", it all comes back to fan service in a way but doing so that is relative to the people making it. Dave Filoni, in many ways, is The Archivist since it integrates to everything that George Lucas is about. He is of Lucas' temperament and yet regards each facet and detail as sacred. Jon Favreau has the same fandom but because he came at it as an outsider with both a studio and indie sensibility, his approach definitely is an diametrically opposite one but it works since Filoni gives his respect to him (though Filoni has done numerous things that Favreau has not and vice versa). But it is Favreau that calls the shots here. He doesn't throw it around too much but his presence is felt much like Kathleen Kennedy though it is a different energy.His approach to obscure lore and separate parts of the "Star Wars" universe is admirable although there is one point in which he asks Lucas on screen "Do you remember this?" Lucas says "Not really" in regards to a weapon in the "Star Wars Holiday Special". There is a bit of maybe being too close to the material. Lucas remembers every detail even though he might not admit it but that is his secret to keep. One might never know what Lucas thinks overall as it was both the best thing to let it go but also what might have been different? It is good to pass it along to others. Filoni and Favreau seem to have got what Star Wars is about. It is about simplicity but also those differing themes.The difference is that the world have changed so much since the original "Star Wars" came on the scene. And yet, it is one of the few shows that the entire family including Mom (as seen in many blogs and posts) can see with her children, husbands, etc. on family night because it is not boring, not too crass, not too childish and yet learning in a way. "The Mandalorian" works that way but it will be interesting to see how "Obi Wan" and the Cassian Andor series work out. If it is about story and not necessarily racing to the end, it might be interesting. With "Obi Wan" with just 8 episodes it might be a one and done because of Ewan's schedule whereas Andor has infinite possibilities as does Mandalorian.Back to the final episode though, it comes back to those little details. Favreau brings up a prop that became a huge thing at conventions but nobody was really aware of it. And yet it works to connect the fandom. Mark Hamill voices an interesting robot and the irony of what Mos Eisley evolves to is a necessarily piece of progress. Of course the various aliens are brought up. What is a wonderful conclusion though is the Stormtroopers that are in the final aspect of the episodes because of the background of where they come from. It is best to watch the episode because giving it away here would ruin the fun.It is also interesting to hear Taika Watiti actually talk a little about where it was shot and understand that a couple scenes are shot in a backlot area and not just inside The Volume. Again none of this info needed to be revealed but by bringing in the viewer in in this way, like Lucas did back in the day but with Favreau's sensibility, it allows this generation to make this Star Wars more their own. It will be interesting to see how the 2nd Season progresses although the shooting was already completed before the pandemic. But as a whole new world dawns in Star Wars, it will be interesting to see the continuing evolution.A

By Tim Wassberg


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