IR TV Review: MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. - EPISODE 3 ("Alien Commies From The Future") [ABC-S7]
The texture within the 7th season of "Marvel's Agents Of "S.H.I.E.L.D." is paying tribute in a sense to the science fiction movies before it, even way back into the mid-century. it is a genre track that well worn but something that works quite well despite its certain harks to "Doctor Who" with its reveals. The episodes again interspace alot of lore in the Marvel universe while also playing with the simply notion of time without really touching it per se. This episode "Alien Commies From The Future" harks to another science fiction government conspiracy trope though this reviewer will not reveal the time period pre-air to keep it a surprise. It is interesting seeing the cast adjust particularly in style to the different time periods. Chloe Bennett really seems to blend in in stride which could speak to a completely different approach in a genre story for her in the future. All the other actors are good but her perspective has a little more weight to it. There is an interesting character reference within the episode which is played more than little overtly. The Chromocons are still messing with time but the method to the madness of the jump is a little more revealed. The motivations and what holds back the team becomes more and more specific. However the MacGuffin of the episode is unclear even after it happens though the after effect offers a foregone conclusion. The humor seems to also be played much more on the tongue in cheek side especially with Coulson giving the episode a bit of bounce with banter.B+
By Tim Wassberg