IR TV Review: JJ VILLARD'S FAIRY TALES - EPISODE 2 ("The Goldilox Massacre") [Adult Swim]

"JJ Villard's Fairy Tales" takes on the aspect of the Goldilocks fairy tale. But the darkness, like those of Hansel & Gretel, almost combine in an almost body horror approach much like "The Thing" on acid or perhaps a more diametric vision in luridity of the style of "The Boy" from "Twilight Zone". In the episode "The Goldilox Massacre" it is wolves, not bears with their sharp teeth and their chicanerous ways that seek to inflict harm on Goldilox. Goldliox roams through the hills as if lost in some world she knows no part of it (much like the original fairy tale). The metaphor of sorts here is the porridge and its representation as small little stick trolls are ground up for dinner. Whether it is the hyper active younger wolf or the gimp induced older brother, the almost Tom & Jerry extremeness to the nth degree of the animation takes it completely over the top. The creatures come apart and then back together again in gory fashion. When Goldilox shows up the progression of the beds, bathrooms, etc in the three levels of definition, how they act are undeniable but metaphorical in their meanings. Even the return home to Goldliox's abode, which plays at the dynamics of a nuclear family against darkness, turns into a bloodbath. Yet in many ways no one is ever hurt. It is simply what is going on inside their head that manifests itself literally. This is many ways is perhaps the strangest perception of all.C

By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: THE SHIVERING TRUTH - EPISODE 2 ("Carrion My Son") [Adult Swim-S2]


IR TV Review: THE BLACKLIST - EPISODE 19 ("The Kazanjian Brothers") [NBC-S7]