IR TV Review: DOCTOR WHO ("Nikola Tesla's Night Of Terrors") [BBC America - S38]

The relevance of Doctor Who reflects in its ability to show its perspective of life giving a little bit of cheeky adventure sometimes with a heartfelt story. The dexterity of most of the episodes requires a little more mythology understanding than others. But placing it in an interesting perspective (especially today of most days) is an interesting angle. The episode "Nikola Tesla's Night Of Terrors" has the team going back in time per se pursuing an alien trying to track and take advantage of Tesla's inventions specifically his invention of distributing energy wirelessly. The Doctor shows up when something doesn't quite feel right. While most of the posturing is done relatively for comic effect, there is some scenes especially between Tesla and The Doctor at one point, that seems almost romantic which is interesting to say the least but also telling to the Doctor's psychology as well.The reflection that builds, as always, functions with elements of some orb and a couple aliens. But it is the elements of invention, especially in Tesla and his assistant who sees his potential that speaks volume. The fact the Goran Vinsic, straight from "Timeless" plays the inventor is no idle casting. The irony for fans of that defunct show is interesting. The idea of which the Doctor and her comrades know is if it ever comes to fruition. The enthusiasm and heart and especially the rivalry with Thomas Edison and Tesla is well played, especially in the passion vs. commerce discussion. The parallel in this moment reflects in Elon Musk whose Space X today did an abort launch test blowing up a rocket on purpose after launch to show the abort system of the Dragon Capsule. Now whether or not he will achieve commercial space flight or going to Mars doesn't diminish what he has done but will people remember his name in 100 years. The parallel of Tesla (which Musk's production car is named after) who doesn't get as much credit as Thomas Edison is an interesting parallel. But it is a nice homage which "Doctor Who" doesn't forge. In fact, it embraces it with a bit more subtext than usual while still delivering the episodic thrust needed to keep The Doctor on her way.


By Tim Wassberg


IR TV Review: PICARD - EPISODE 1 ("Remembrance") [CBS All Access]


IR TV Review: STAR TREK - SHORT TREKS ("Children Of Mars") [CBS All Access]