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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE POPE’S EXORCIST [Screen Gems]

The context of an exorcism movie always paints back to the initial vision of "The Exorcist" which has its own mythology. The reason "The Pope's Exorcist" works on many levels is because it takes the existing history of the church and of Europe into the equation anchored by a solid and engaging performance by Russell Crowe.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE INVITATION [Screen Gems/Sony]

The aspect of a vampire story in modern time is an aspect of being able to be aware of the modern sensibility in real time. The use of the have and have nots tends to play a role with "The Invitation" in that it uses it against its heroine in Evie (Nathalie Emmanuel) because she so wants to believe in the dream of being accepted and about the notion of family that it blinds her in many ways...and yet that is exactly what is being offered.

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