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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: DUNE - PART II [Warner Bros]

The progression of a story depends on knowing where it is going in an overall sense. With "Dune - Part II", director Denis Villenueve understands and motivates on the context of what Part I promised. He delivers but there are different cracks and jumps that inherently lift but also restrict the film in certain ways.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU [20th Century Studios/Hulu]

The revelation of "No One Will Save You" comes in its ability to show both old school paranoia within the context of a creature feature not trying to make an overt statement about the state of the world. It is simply one woman's journey with the world against her in a way though she is simply in a cage of her own circumstance. In that way, the film is undeniable.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: PREY [20th Century Studios/Hulu]

“Prey" in a way strips it down and takes away everything except the Predator itself. And what is its purpose? To hunt. And with its technology and interstellar capability, the creatures have probably been doing it for many millennia. That is actually a great starting point. Have this apex predator hunt in certain eras. "Prey" chooses the Comanche Nation in the early 1700s.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: JURASSIC WORLD - DOMINION [Universal]

The approach is closing up a trilogy per se is all about context, where the story is, how it pertains to the rest of the story and how people will remember it. . There are some beautiful moments here which make one think of the best elements of the original. There are also bigger themes but this is a bigger world now.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: MOONFALL [Lionsgate]

Sometimes movies are just made for fun but it is understanding the tonality and the idea of who makes it without attaching any sort of expectation. "Moonfall" is a bad movie but in a wonderful elative way because it is so bonkers in so many respects (yet both derivative and original).

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: MOTHER/ANDROID [Hulu]

The aspect of survival in a crushing world where hope takes on an idea of simply existing can be a bleak place. "Mother/Android" (which is not the most compelling title but also the film is difficult to compartmentalize) is a family drama film but taken from a science fiction context.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: STOWAWAY [Netflix]

The essence of choice in survival situations comes down to individuality and how one reflects in that moment in time. Although on a grander scale with a different interaction of actors, Joe Penna's "Stowaway" starring Toni Collette, Anna Kendrick and Daniel Dae Kim follows the same ideal of what path would one choose.

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