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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: IF [Paramount]

The idea of imagined friends has been the texture of some fantasy films. It can be used as a metaphor of self or an element of dealing with trauma or crisis. Writer/Director John Krasinski after making "A Quiet Place" and "A Quiet Place, Part II" wanted to likely make something different but that is an interesting build in jumping from one genre to another. He very much succeeds in certain ways with “IF” while he starts to tow the line on some others.

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Tim Wassberg Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: SMILE [Paramount]

The deconstruction of illusion and by extension, logic is always the crux of a supernatural approach to a film. “Smile” has done some interesting maneuvering since it is catchy but but by the trailers one would maybe see a one note slasher. This is far from the truth. It is a psychological character study about the dismantling of a psychologist in her own head through her own trauma.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE LOST CITY [Paramount]

The influx of a romantic comedy is playing to irony and perhaps playing issue to that which came before it. "The Lost City" has its moments and knows what it is doing because of its star Sandra Bullock. Even though we haven't seen her as much onscreen lately in this type of movie, the comedienne extraordinaire has not lost her touch.

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