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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT DYING [Oscilloscope]

The essence of a internal movie with a protagonist like Fran in the movie: "Sometimes I Think About Dying" is creating a character piece that simply shows a slice of life, however quiet it might be. Daisy Ridley plays Fran with a vulnerable fragility, somewhere between a manic depressive and a creative person exploring her own world inside herself.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: ANTLERS [Searchlight]

"Antlers" works on certain assumptions and formulas but creates an interesting essence of character build while not delivering completely. While the progression is simple in terms of a genre tale of a mythic creature wreaking havoc, it is the human story that is the most complex.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: PIG [Neon]

Unlike "Prisoners Of The Ghostland" which was a mash up (or perhaps like it), his new film "Pig" is not initially what it seems to be. It can be said that this is one of Cage’s more subtle performances (although physically it is not).

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