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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: A HAUNTING IN VENICE [20th Century Studios]

The adventures of Hercules Poirot play on the texture of perception, location and deduction while still creating both a sense of time and tension. While the last two films directed and starring Kenneth Branagh understood their task, the style applied to "A Haunting In Venice' (enhanced for IMAX) really uses the approach as an exercise but also a classical progression of how such a film is done.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: BELFAST [Focus]

"Belfast" is Kenneth Branagh's love letter but also his contemplation on his youth within the context of family. There is an interesting balance here that is sometimes achieved but most of the time it is too subtly progressed despite a very clear path.

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