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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE ORIGIN OF EVIL [IFC Films]

The aspect of wanting a better life can be reflexive depending on what is willing to be sacrificed. With the throughline of "The Origin Of Evil", the basis comes on the conception of what becomes psychopathic behavior and where does it completely cross the line (there is one very good barometer). Laura Calamy as the lead Stephane does so from almost the inception in her very existence in terms of her disassociative behavior.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE NUN II [Warner Bros]

The context of "The Nun II" has to do with progression of character versus context of the journey. After the events of the first film, the ideas of faith versus intent would seem to be a solid approach for the sequel. While this film does it admirably on certain levels including via locations, visual style and efficient storytelling (for the most part), it does have some issues.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: CHEVALIER [Searchlight]

The context of "Chevalier" reflects in a concept of acceptance versus social justice and how perspective and perception both leads and deceives. After an interesting turn in "Cyrano" last year, Kelvin Harrison Jr. comes to the forefront as the lead character here showing both the depth, conflict (and artifice at times) that the character requires.

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