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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE BLACK PHONE [Blumhouse/Universal]

The setting and tone of “The Black Phone” seems to be a interesting quandary. The trailers painted it as a really dark horror film and with the Blumhouse label, that also means approaching it under a specific budget constraint. Add to the fact that this is directed by Scott Derrickson who made the first “Doctor Strange” with Ethan Hawke here as the antagonist.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE NORTHMAN [Focus]

"The Northman" revolves in a texture of revenge but also of perception. Alexander Skarsgard stars as Amleth, the son of a Nordic king that is dealt a trauma as a child that informs his entire life even as he struggles to deal with the notion of his existence.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: TESLA [IFC]

The ideal of Nikola Tesla as a structure of vision is well documented but his history and prevalence is not. In approaching Tesla as an independent, director Michael Almereyda wants to create a balance of a person haunted by fame but yet in awe of it. His ideas are revolutionary and yet the idea of how to present them to the masses is fraught.

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