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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: ARGYLLE [Apple Original Films/Universal]

The aspect of the spy genre and what it means in reflection about the people who enjoy them is at the center of the whirlwind which is "Argylle", a new comedy/action film from Matthew Vaughn. Vaughn has always found interest in the quirky but then melding it with high concept action. His films are not straightforward and yet do speak to originality while also being derivative of everything before it.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: JURASSIC WORLD - DOMINION [Universal]

The approach is closing up a trilogy per se is all about context, where the story is, how it pertains to the rest of the story and how people will remember it. . There are some beautiful moments here which make one think of the best elements of the original. There are also bigger themes but this is a bigger world now.

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