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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: BULLET TRAIN [Sony]

The concept of an action film on a train definitely has been done in different ways from “Money Train” to “Unstoppable” to even “Snowpiercer”. “Bullet Train” is a little more motley than most and has its day-glo spin but, in a way, it is just enjoyable bubble gum with not much to it but enough interesting characters, comedy and fights to keep the ball rolling sufficiently.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE LOST CITY [Paramount]

The influx of a romantic comedy is playing to irony and perhaps playing issue to that which came before it. "The Lost City" has its moments and knows what it is doing because of its star Sandra Bullock. Even though we haven't seen her as much onscreen lately in this type of movie, the comedienne extraordinaire has not lost her touch.

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