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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE EXORCIST - BELIEVER [Universal]

The aspect of innocence lost is sometimes based in the context of ignorance. The original "Exorcist" painted in the lines of the proponent of purity versus the conservative nature possibly of the church. With "The Exorcist: Believer", the filmmakers try to take a similar approach but with not enough narrative backbone and delivery to create the stakes.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: THE BLACK PHONE [Blumhouse/Universal]

The setting and tone of “The Black Phone” seems to be a interesting quandary. The trailers painted it as a really dark horror film and with the Blumhouse label, that also means approaching it under a specific budget constraint. Add to the fact that this is directed by Scott Derrickson who made the first “Doctor Strange” with Ethan Hawke here as the antagonist.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: FANTASY ISLAND [Sony]

Overall the film though maintains its pace while getting slightly sloppy at the end because all details can ride together…but "Fantasy Island" knows its audience, still wanting to give them scares but without creeping or goring them out too much

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