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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: TWISTERS [Universal]

The aspect of creating a néw perspective on “Twister” 30 years after the original is a different conundrum. Weather has changed. Technology has charged. But people really haven’t. While this version in “Twisters” might be more woke per se, it doesn’t quite have the jolt of fun the original had. Whether this has to do with the actors involved or the differing directors is hard to say.

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Film Reviews Tim Wassberg Film Reviews Tim Wassberg

IR Film Review: IN THE HEIGHTS [Warner Brothers]

There is rugged beauty that flows through "In The Heights". There is a love for the area it speaks of as Lin Manuel Miranda flows it through. As someone who spent many and evening traveling up to the Heights to head to Jersey over the George Washington Bridge while at school in the East Village, that glowing sunset over the bridge looking from the streets is undeniable.

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