IR Film Review: A CLASSIC HORROR STORY [Netflix]


The determination and interpretation of horror has to do very succinctly with where it is playing. Other countries likely see American horror and the troups it has built over the years as almost parodies of themselves or trying to push the bar where it ultimately just reflects back on itself. To see it reversed in some countries as to what constitutes horror is an interesting diatribe. South Korea has its own approach that is well defined. Europe is more interestingly vague in terms of specific vision though many different auteurs have made their mark. In Italy, many think of Dario Argento in some aspects. With "A Classic Horror Story" those influences of certain American lore come full circle but the impact of history (especially in a place like Italy where this is made out of), the connotation has different impacts. While the film begins, there seems no sense of place (because the area it is shot in is not familiar to US audiences). The overhead shots through forests can easily be in Colorado (which is ironic because a film company named Colorado Film made this ---- though they are out of Milan). The film was actually made in Puglia in the Southwest corner of Italy.


The story of course begins with 5 people in an RV making what seems like social media videos or maybe an amateur horror film. The reasoning they are all together doesn't make a whole lot of sense but also their delivery to a said location is flimsy as well (it is explained away later with a line). The homage element which brings to mind "Midsommar" (which this film does owe alot to) doesn't come into play until much later in the process. The tonal approach of the film is uneven though when i gets into a groove it has some power (maybe not as much as "Midsommar") but it does make you question the line of what you are seeing because the set up points to different things. This of course would be too easy. But that said, like a film like "Sound Of Violence" at SxSW as well, it pays off in the final act and specifically the final shots because it shows the irony (but knowing it is Puglia also helps). The irony of that is that it tries to take it one step farther in its meta-transgression (mid-credits) which almost takes away that power. The thematics and metaphor (especially during one daylight meal scene) is definitely an interesting dissertation on the meaning of horror films, their texture in Italy and their diluting as far as impressionism into modern life. C+

By Tim Wassberg


IR Film Review: CASANOVA, LAST LOVE [Cohen Media Group]


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