Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER - EPISODES 1 & 2 [Fantastic Fest 2023 - Austin, Texas]

The aspect of family and the intent of ambition reflects in the ideals of importance and survival. With the newest Mike Flanagan entry on Netflix: "The Fall Of The House Of Usher" (the first two episodes premiering here on the big screen at Fantastic Fest), there is an interesting progression of thought. The different structures in a way between Episodes 1 and 2 are interestingly diametric, both to their advantages and disadvantages. The first episode is more classical as a basis for more origin and thematic structure overall, culminating with a cool dinner scene with overarching structures to the music of Beethoven. Flangan directed both of these episodes and knows how to create a mood of course. Anchoring the topline with Mary McDonnell and Bruce Greenwood as siblings at the head of the House Of Usher works well with both known and new faces integrating to create the different inclinations and restrictions of the family internal includin stalwart of Henry Thomas and the addition of Mark Hamill in what will become a pivotal role likely. The establishment of poise between Greenwood's patriarch and the district attorney in Carl Lumbly's Dupin paint the idea of unwrapping a greater force that might do them harm.

To give away any more or the identity of such would ruin it though there is a similar throughline that was seen in "Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels". The interesting aspect again is tone since one doesn't want to overwhelm the tendencies of older viewers and the young. The story structure here seems to want to have both sides which might be tricky to reconcile at points. The same concepts of greed, faith, narcissism, ego and betrayal as with most of Flanagan's work still proceed forward. The essence also of Poe and the imagery that goes with that reflects back though at the end of the first two episodes, it is less pronounced. However, the throughline is more defined with the climax of the 2nd episode. Now whether the reasoning is to show the different circles of malice, mistake and depravity as each of the heirs of the Usher house or it is following a different guideline remains to be seen. The characters through across the board are well defined and adjusted for the current marketplace which is an increasingly hard formula to fill since most horror is so saturated. People need something more and the reference points are less diametric than they use to be. Flanagan tends to use time specific areas which helps with the choice of music across the board, both in originals and remixes which definitely helps set the stage for what might be coming. Episode 1: A- Episode 2: B

By Tim Wassberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: PROJECT SILENCE [Fantastic Fest 2023 - Austin, Texas]


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: THE WAIT [Fantastic Fest 2023 - Austin, Texas]