Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: FATHER OF THE CYBORGS [Tribeca Film Festival 2021 - Virtual]


The idea of brain-to-computer interface has been something in science's mind for many years. But like any technology, and "Ultrasound" at TFF addressed this too this year, is that while science might be done for altruism...a lot of the time the money has to come from something less altruistic, mainly military application. Phil Kennedy, who tried to work on the earlier forms of this kind of interaction technology, was testing electrical impulses way before most were thinking how it was done. The doc “Father Of The Cyborgs” [World Premiere/Movies Plus] begins with basic elements of clicks/pops in the brain and how that can interrelate specifically to EKG and eventually speech (and maybe even thought recognition). The question becomes training a brain or body that has been "locked" off to connect again when the body and mind won't allow. But technology can be the bridge. The film shows a couple test patients (seemingly back in the late 90s it seems) including a Vietnam vet who was able in certain ways to use an electrode implanted in his brain through Kennedy's application and tech to translate to speech but there was some sense of cognition in that patient.

The second person he tries with is Eric, a kid who was paralyzed in a car wreck. He worked with him for 10 years until the boy's functions gave out. The full realization of that conversation was never brought to fruition. The film shows another man who is able to speak in almost real time but his connection is not made clear (since his approach seems to work) as does Steven Hawking's but it depends of the severity of the disability. The film builds up to the fact of Phil Kennedy doing a procedure on himself per se but, as it is way outside the guidelines of ethics, he had too have it done in Belize. Scientists in all eras have experimented on themselves but in modern medicine when funding is involved it becomes an interesting balance and the film shows that aftermath. However it also shows what might be possible now . But it was only because of those first steps (like with computer technology or space travel) that one can really understand what it took to make that leap. "Father Of The Cyborgs" shows the importance of the road not taken, what is lost but the force of human will that is reflected in the vision of Phil Kennedy. B

By Tim Wassberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: SETTLERS [Tribeca Film Festival 2021 - Virtual]


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