Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: CAPITU AND THE CHAPTER [International Film Festival Rotterdam 2021 - Summer -Virtual]


The idea of perception and the intersection of jealousy and desire can be an intriguing construct depending on how it is broken down in its perspective. "Capitu And The Chapter" [Harbour/World Premiere] is a rumination on a 1899 novel called "Dom Casmurro" by Machado de Assis and brings it up to date in a series of vignettes. Framed by a poet, almost like a Prospero, it is an ode on the madness of reasoning. The four main characters, who speak in a texture of verse and poise but without ego, are two couples, each embodied with desires in a way for the other. Mariana Ximenes is luminescent, almost like a Brazilian Jessica Chastain and simply envelopes the screen. One specific scene in a bed just using silk sheets with the angle never changing speaks so much in terms of the acting because of the scorn, dominance and sexuality that flows and yet she is fully dressed while Vladimir Brichta, probably an ode on the author, is completely neutered in her presence.


His character though seemingly sees competition in every corner but his relation to the camera is interesting, as if to say, "I see the signs, why doesn't everyone else?" His paranoia is exaggerated but it does paint a picture. Djin Sganzerla plays the spouse to the other man in a completely different way. Her one monologue in one shot with Vladimir is quite intense as well and riveting in its own visceral right. Julio Bressane, known for his avant-garde cinema in Brazil is on full display. While the film is super indulgent in many ways, those glimmers of flair and intrinsic direction come though without forming an overall meaning. But the underlying metaphors are clear and the visual style at times is magnificent with forced perspective and shots through glass.


All the while Bressane is maintaining a still life perception and a gothic overview (apparent in one scene on a porch as the author reads the story he is reflecting on). One couple becomes closer subtly in the shot with their hands cupping over the other while other couple pulls apart though just by inches. The movie ends beautifully but the indulgent behind-the- scenes footage in the closing credits which is something Bunuel or Godard might do is nonetheless not needed and takes away from the power of some of the images created and the vibe created in the film proper. "Capitu & The Chapters is a visually arresting and sometimes beautifully acted tome on the notion of jealousy and perception though its post credits in its indulgence, takes away from its final power. B

By Tim Wassberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: POUPELLE OF CHIMNEY TOWN [International Film Festival Rotterdam 2021 - Summer -Virtual]


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: AMERICAN DESERT [Brooklyn Film Festival 2021 - Virtual]