Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES [Fantaspoa Fantastic Film Festival 2021 - Porto Alegre Brazil - Virtual]


The aspect of the time loop or time travel paradox can be done again and again but the idea becomes about the aspects of double structure and how that can work in new ways despite being overdone. Despite its very simple and not readily-available-to-back-up premise of a two minute differential between a café and an upstairs apartment, the construct of "Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes" does work much better than one would expect. This revolves in the idea of the characters involved and what they take seriously about it ultimately. The aspect of certain double fakes and the essence of screens within screens within screens is given to good effect though maybe slightly overused but such in the case with one location. One would not know the film was shot purely on phones with the exception of one use of digital zoom (which could be easily edited out) and of course the ending BTS video in the credits.


While the love story could have been placed with in a different way with better emotional results, the concept is seemingly what the filmmaker was more interested in. It makes the build up quite good but when it graduates to the third act, it brings in a movie trope which, although it makes sense in the ultimate resolution, seems too much of a contrivance when there were a few more budget conscious options possibly available that would have been more clever. That said, the line in terms of how it switches from present to future is done with very steady assurance (with the exception of how long monitor chords actually are). But for a genre entry level which is probably a first attempt at a feature, the handling is not bad and should give some perception into their next outing. C+

By Tim Wassberg


Fest Track On Sirk TV Interview: SOUND OF VIOLENCE [South By Southwest Film Festival 2021 - Virtual] - Part II


Fest Track On Sirk TV Film Review: ROCKET STAHR’S DEATH OF A ROCK STAR [Fantaspoa Fantastic Film Festival 2021 - Porto Alegre Brazil - Virtual]