Space Journeys & Conflicted Robots: The 2009 Anime Expo – Feature
The essence of Anime Expo comes from its possibility to examine and bring together the elements of Japanese art and culture in a western setting.
Funimation Sneak Peek Within the essence of this anime juggernaut, two specifics of point stand out. The new volume of “Romeo x Juliet” shows a pageant of beautiful images, the most specific involving a scene where the two star crossed lovers meeting on a rock outcropping in the middle of floating wind. The other shown that crated some fervor 9and rightly soul) is “Sgt Frog” which has echoes of “Shin Chan” but without as much bodily humor. The scene shown has culture references that are up to date including a reference to a “bad Indiana Jones sequel”. There is also a bt of an ode to “Small Soldier” with the Sgt. in control. Two subsequent frogs who are his underlings actually progress the humor quite well. Both releases are available at Funimation.
Galaxy Express 999 The first of the screenings attended brought back to mind according to many the aspect of the old “Starblazers”. The first episode see has a kid watching his mother killed by cyborgs in a frozen wasteland. The key to the series is that all people dream of having themselves cybertronically replaced so they can live forever in essence. The kid in question comes back and mows down the robots in a slew of gunfire like something out of a Robert Rodriguez movie. On top of this, the kid burns down the house. The crowd in the hall went nuts. The subsequent episode had the kid recruited by a woman with an unknown employer who gets him on the Galaxy Train never to return to Earth. Since the kid wants to be a cybernetic organism, he jumps at the chance sine few get to do so. Their first stop is Mars which is like the Old West. He goes on a tour where a robot tries to kidnap him for his ticket. It ends with the robot killing his mate in a slew of gunfire when she questions his judgment. The series is edgy and unPC in many ways but it is visceral. Like many likeminded series of this kind from the late 70s, the animation was done by Toei. The kids especially like the twinkle codas that were the mainstay of many such adventures. Online episodes can be found on Crunchyroll.
Captain Harlock This animated adventure of swashbuckling standard made by Toei harks to the wonder that was “Starblazers”. Captain Jack Harlock is a man on his own mission (like a more likable version of Riddick) seeking fr his own gain but ultimately responsible for those that become his charge. The initial hit of the episode which brings to mind “Chronicles Of Riddick” has Jack being thrown off the planet for his conspiring ways against the politicians but also mirrors the mid-tier action of “Attack Of The Clones” in terms of its ambition. He escapes permanently and viscerally exiled. The second episode plays more to sentimentality as he comes to offer solace to a girl he rescued. Too schmaltzy in overall distinction despite some intense initial visuals. Online episodes can be found also at Crunchyroll.
Heroic Age This series in the tinge of the possibilities of newer anime outings like “Moonlight Mile” works more from a mythic angle much like the iteration of themes from “The Fifth Element”. Here, the savior of mankind is a feral teenager found on a planet whose only friend is a walking sand octopus. He is brought back into the fold as the only hope to defeat an encroaching alien race. The comedy rests in the fact that the boy has no human decency or sense of manners which could be considered humorous in tone but as played comes off increasingly grating. The ultimate payoff reflects when the boy transforms in a robot with no practical reason but his reflective obliteration of the entire approaching invasive force is nothing if not spectacular. Episodes can be seen on Funimation or Hulu.
Evangelion 1.0 Preview This new dub/release of the brand new movie uses the increasing technology to adequate effect despite a lead character, reluctant to the point of hysteria. The evolution within this respective fictional world of the Evangelion project involves a boy set against his destiny and motivated by issues of pride and connectivity with his father. The girl of texture in the outing is the more likely and interesting hero pervasive to her background and trauma but simply becomes a bridging character to the boy hero who is an inherent crybaby who won't own up to his destiny. In this translation he comes off as a weakling that is bullied into the situation. The angle is clear but the resolution is not. The film will have a limited run in theaters this fall.
Even though the expo was brief in terms of accounted time this year, there were less panels in excess because of the conglomeration of many of the companies. ADV and Geneon have become no more with Funimation picking up more in conjunction. As a result, screenings have become more intrinsic though a more contained balanced can be construed hopefully at next year's event.