Sirk TV Graphic Novel Review: BATMAN - VOL. 7 - THE WEDDING [DC]

The aspect of happiness in a world that is governed by conflict and doom and gloom sometimes unbalances the truth of why people look up to superheroes. They live by different rules which means that the simplest pleasures are beyond them simply because of their psychological make up or the circumstances that formed them. In "Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding" [Tom King & Mikel Janin/DC/176pgs], the simple essence of a wedding is what creates an unusual progression in the three stories portrayed in a different time line, one in a philosophical permutation on death, one within a distracted love in a church and finally in the actual act of matrimony which in the ironic way in which it is shown balances it all out in a primitive but archetypal manner. All but the final story uses humor both broad and gallows based to get its point across. The first story with a would-be superhero from the future named Booster Gold is the most broad and the most silly since, like other recently successful superheroes, he breaks the fourth wall when he needs to. It shows that only by suffering does Batman truly exist but in his happiness the rest of Gotham becomes a cesspool ruled by evil. Gold's rants are stream of consciousness and truly plays to the irony. He simply wants to get Batman a wedding present he will like. The 2nd story involves The Joker wanting to be invited to Batman's wedding so he lures him to a church. The art of The Joker in this particular story at times is haunting especially a look of glee in an apartment but then a moment where he and Batman are kneeling before the altar in a church as it explodes. The remainder of the story which involves a near death conversation between The Joker and Catwoman where Batman is likely dead is esoteric in the best sense simply because in the dialogue the nature of their interdependence on each other is undeniably clear. The final tale shows the two lovebirds [Catwoman & Batman] growing close in an series of imagery but it is the final moments which won't be revealed here that are the most poignant and tragic. "Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding" works because it is uneven and because it offers something new in its purview in trying something different.B+

By Tim Wassberg


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